We provide APIs to allow you to develop a connector with any management software
Fatture in Cloud and Danea EasyFatt
The data that can be imported into Order Sender are: customers, suppliers, products, customized price lists, discounts and commissions.
The data that can be exported from Order Sender are the same as those that can be imported, plus it is possible to export orders, quotes and appointments.
Log in as Manager to your Reserved Area, you can store both orders and estimates so that they do not take up space on the device.
To do this, enter the list of orders / quotes, select the ones you want to archive (putting the flag at the beginning of each line) and press the “Archive selected” button at the bottom of the page.
It is also possible to make a multiple selection by choosing “200” from the drop-down list at the bottom of the page (“items per page”) and, at the top of the list, placing the flag in the small square at the top left.
Then perform this procedure from Tablet or Smartphone:
– Check that you have no “unsent” orders or quotes, because otherwise they will be lost (if you send or write them down)
– From the “Account” section, click on the line corresponding to your company code
– Open the menu at the top right (three dots), press “Delete” and confirm with “Ok”
– Enter the credentials relating to your subscription and confirm with the “Go” button to perform the synchronization which will restore all the data.
You can use the Contact section of the site. Your suggestions are essential to continue improving and optimizing our App.
We are available to customize Order Sender.
However, customizations can only be made for companies and have the cost of an independent software development project.
If you want more info or request a quote, contact us.
The Enterprise solution is a software for the management of the company sales network tailor-made for the company.
In addition, the additional modules that can be activated are many more than the “Business” version because, considering that all the data comes from the ERP company management system, it is possible to have information on the administrative situation, payments and unpaid customers, warehouse stocks, status order progress and much more.
An ad hoc connector is developed for the continuous exchange of data with the company management system.
This solution has a one-off cost for the creation of the App and for the integration with the company management system (in addition to an annual fee) and varies according to the number of modules you want to have in your App.
For more info, ask for a free DEMO.
No, i moduli vengono aggiunti a tutte le licenze attive.
To purchase an Additional Module, log in as Manager in your Reserved Area and click the “Upgrade” button at the top right.
You enter the shopping cart where you can add your module and proceed with the purchase.
The Module is purchased for the months remaining until the expiration of your Business subscription, after which you can decide whether to confirm it or not at the next renewal.
The subscription does not renew automatically so, 20 days before the expiration date, you will be notified (with multiple notifications on a regular basis) to remind you to renew the subscription.
Log in as Manager to your Reserved Area and click on the “Buy” button.
From the shopping cart you can proceed directly to the purchase or add Modules (Catalog, Tour Tours, Commissions).
You will be asked for your billing information and the payment method between Paypal (to pay by credit card) and bank transfer.
If you pay with Paypal it is not necessary to register for the service and you can proceed by manually entering your billing data and those of your credit card. If you pay by bank transfer, you will be sent an email with the order summary, the data to make the transfer and our email to which you can send the receipt of the transfer.
If you decide to pay by bank transfer, an email will be sent to you immediately with the order summary and the details to make the transfer.
Also check your inbox for “Updates”, “Promotions” or “Spam”.
Log in as Manager to your Reserved Area and click the “Renew” button at the top right.
The shopping cart opens where you can proceed with the renewal, you can also expand the number of licenses and enrich the App with additional modules.
At this stage you can enter your company’s billing information to receive the electronic invoice.
Log in as Manager to your Reserved Area, click the “Upgrade” button at the top right and add one or more licenses to the shopping cart.
After making the payment, you can add an Agent by clicking on “Manage Agents”.
After creating the new agent, provide him with the credentials with which he can access the App from Smartphone and Tablet.
Before renewing your subscription for a smaller number of licenses, you need to enter your Reserved Area, select the agents you do not want to renew and delete them.
This is because the system cannot automatically know which agents are to be deleted.
It is compatible with all versions of iPad, iPad Mini, iPhone (from iOS 10 and later) and with tablets and smartphones with Android system (from 6.0 and later).
It is also available from the Web: it is a Web Application that can be used by any browser on any device, including desktop computers of any operating system.
In the reserved area you can request your credentials again by clicking on “Don’t you remember your credentials?”, After which you will be asked which data you want to retrieve: Username (which usually corresponds to the registration email address) or Password.
An email will be sent to you immediately with your Username or a new Password.
Remember to update your credentials also on the Order Sender apps installed on mobile devices: from the “Account” section of the app, click on your “Company Code”, then on “Edit” (pencil for Android), enter the new Password and confirm with “Done” (disk icon for Android).
Yes, you can do it by accessing your Reserved Area, from the “Settings” menu, click on “Account” and enter the new Password.
You have probably logged in with the same credentials on another device of the same type.
In fact, it is possible to access on tablets and smartphones at the same time.
Access your Reserved Area as Manager, from “Management”> “Agents” click on the symbol of mobile devices and consult all the devices associated with your account.
Inside you will find all the tablets and smartphones that have accessed and are now active.
To activate a device that was previously active, simply press the “restore” button (orange circular arrow icon) corresponding to the name of this device.
The latter will become active and replace the device of the same family (tablet or smartphone) that was active at that time.
If, on the other hand, you want to block a device (for example following a theft), you must use the “block” button (red prohibition icon).
In this case, the system, in addition to blocking our App, will delete all the data in the app installed on that device.
As soon as you access your Reserved Area as Manager, you will find your Company Code on the Home Page, among the references of your subscription.
On the App Store (for OS devices) or on the Google Play Store (for Android ones)
If you don't find the answer to your question, open a Support Ticket. We will reply as soon as possible.
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