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Business Intelligence

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Digital Product Catalogue

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CRM and Business Travels

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Collecting Orders from Tablet

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Canvass Configurator

moduli aggiuntivi

Additional Modules

Business Intelligence

Advanced statistics management, data analysis, reporting.
Measure, analyse, check all the data, make the right decisions for your business.
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order sender enterprise sales force automation
Order Sender Bullet List

Business intelligence statistics

Make the right business decisions!
The Sales Force Automation OS Enterprise software offers data analysis and reporting tools to accelerate and improve your decision-making processes, operational efficiency, identify market trends and identify new growth opportunities for your company.

Thanks to the Business Intelligence of OS Enterprise, all the acquired data is analyzed and transformed into useful information for your strategic business decisions.

Improve your sales performance based on visual data obtained in real time.

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Order Sender Bullet List

Sales report and advanced statistics

The Software for Agents offers the possibility of carrying out Reports and Analysis on the progress of the activity and on the situation of its customers.

Agents can view advanced statistics relating to their commissions and turnover, general or by specific customer, by month, year, comparing them with the equivalent period of the previous year.

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Order Sender Bullet List

Management of agent commissions and turnover

  • Statistics on the best-selling products
  • Statistics and commissions on your business
  • Cost reduction, greater efficiency and productivity
  • Risk management and forecasting of business opportunities